
Traditional antivirus defenses can no longer suffice when it comes to cybersecurity as threats are developing at an astounding pace; it is vital to accommodate reliable real-time detection and response mechanisms. Project 8.3 deploys an extensive security framework with Suricata, Filebeat, Elasticsearch, Kibana for improving our attack discovery system. What is our approach? This document gives a brief of the features and their importance.

System Overview

The following components work together to create an effective attack detection and response system:The following components work together to create an effective attack detection and response system:

Suricata: A free software network threat detection system that offers the services of intrusion detection, intrusion prevention and network security monitoring.

Filebeat: A light-weight shipper to forward and aggregate log data. It is also used for sending Suricata logs to Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch: A search, analyze and store data logs received from Filebeat in that it indexes all the logs received by it.

Kibana: A data analysis tool which is used in conjunction with Elasticsearch for the real time log data analysis and for creating the analytics based dashboards.


  1. Suricata for Attack Detection

 Custom Rules: Suricata is deployed with multiple custom rules which have been developed to meet our security needs. These rules allow thrilling known threats and surprising anomalies in the different network traffic flows.

 Real-Time Monitoring: It is designed to run in the real-time wherein it provides an alert on a subject to suspicion in a few seconds in order to investigate thoroughly.

  1. Filebeat for Log Shipping

 Efficient Log Forwarding: For our Suricata logs our servers use Filebeat. These logs are then quickly forwarded to Elasticsearch without negatively affecting the host systems’ performance.

 Structured Data: Filebeat acts upon the given logs, arranging and preparing them to be indexed in Elasticsearch.

  1. Elasticsearch for Log Storage

 Scalable Storage: When it comes to storing the enormous numbers of logs created by suricata, the Elasticsearch offers the elasticity. This is very important as it will allow us to retain past data for analysis as well as for legal purposes.

 Powerful Search Capabilities: Elasticsearch is capable of indexing the logs and enable quick search, and therefore timely investigations.

  1. Kibana for Data Visualization

 Interactive Dashboards: Kibana is used to create dynamic display of data that is stored in the Elasticsearch. This propounds NX, which affords intents to query goals and attack patterns, attack trends and system performance.

Custom Reporting: Consequently, users are able to get specific custom reports depending on the query that they input which helps in understanding the security incidences and the performance of the detection rules.


Improved Detection Capabilities: Suricata with custom rules has effectively improved the way we are able to identify diverse attack related techniques beginning with zero day and APT among others.


Project CyberEye has been implemented with security architecture as we have adopted the use of Suricata, Filebeat, Elasticsearch and Kibana to boost our attack detection and response. This approach not only enhances our capability to detect and prevent attacker’s action on the network but also helps in analyzing the security posture of our network. With emergence of new cyber threats, commitment to use advanced security measures will help to be prepared all the time.